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IVON is a Discord giveaway bot that allows you to host giveaways on your servers without the need for an extra pair of hands. Unique role requirements, server join requirements, special role points, and many more options are included to help you save time and effectively run your giveaway.
We've also begun a fundraising campaign to aid Ukrainians who have been affected by the war. You can give directly to the campaign to send 100% of your donation to Ukraine. Consider making a donation to the project and the fundraising to aid Ukrainians and our effort.
The Discord subscription method and the most popular thing to giveaway on this platform. Get started today with IVON. Giveaway Nitro and Nitro Classic to your community.
score on the leaderboard or purchase inbot items in certain different discord bots. The second most popular giveaway item on Discord. Popular for Dank Memer and Owo currencies.
The third most popular item to giveaway on a Discord server these days. Subscriptions! This includes not only Xbox passes, but also other offplatform subscriptions.
We use ZAP-HOSTING Discord Bot server hosting as our bot hosting. Use IVON-011 to receive 20% off for every purchase.
Yes We do have partnerships available now. Reach out via Twitter or our Official Discord server to talkabout partnerships further more.
You can use PayPal or your card to donate directly to our PayPal or the KO-FI account.
You can visit the Fundraise page and donate directly. Follow this Link to donate.
IVON is online 24/7 as always :)
Yes. You can see our SC on our GitHub page
Easy, Join us on our support server and get help instantly.